CUBICLES TOILETS HARDWARE - CABSAN Accessories for sanitary cabins
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gamme 2

Verrou rotatif en polyamide à indication extérieure ‘occupé’ en rouge et ‘libre’ en blanc. Diamètre extérieur de 50mm. Axe carré intérieur de 8mm en aluminium. Pour portes de 10 mm et 13 mm en feuillure. . Livré avec 2 vis de M4 x 25mm à tête croisée en acier inoxydable. Rotation de 360 degrés avec léger arrêt anti-vandalisme tous les 90 degrés. S’utilise avec le verrou rotatif du côté intérieur de la porte.
Gamme 5400
range 2

Polyamide rotary latch with 'busy' external indication in red and 'free' in white. Outside diameter of 50mm. 8 mm inner square axis made of aluminum.
For 10 mm applied doors, including 1 14mm spacer. Delivered with 2 M4 x 25mm stainless steel crosshead screws. 360 degree rotation with slight anti-vandal stop every 90 degrees. Use with the rotary latch on the inside of the door.
Range 108000
range 2

Polyamide rotary latch with 'busy' external indication in red and 'free' in white. Outside diameter of 50mm. 8mm inner square axle made of aluminum. For 13 mm applied doors including 1 chock of 17mm. Delivered with 2 M4 x 25mm stainless steel crosshead screws. 360 degree rotation with slight anti-vandal stop every 90 degrees. Use with the rotary latch on the inside of the door.
Range 138000
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